Friday, May 30, 2008


Journaling: You asked me for a box to play with so I gave you one. The next thing I know you invite me into your room and pretend to put on a concert. You had taken the
box apart to make it look like a podium. You used Tigger's cat toy as a baton. You asked me to sit down on one of the books you placed on the floor as a chair. Then you began to conduct while perfectly humming Strauss's Die Fledermaus. You put on quit the impressive concert.

Products: Grateful4U collab kit for CT Appreciation Week 2008
ASO_Fanciful Frame Brush from Scrapgirls
Promenade 05 Brush downloaded from Brusheezy
Font: DJB, CT’s Rock, BoltonDropCaps, Typewriter
Adjusted photos grayscale, color balance yellow -50

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